Our Drug Addiction Treatment Services in Tyler, TX

Our office provides physician-directed, individual, outpatient, private office-based addiction treatment. Prior to the first appointment, people are screened through a telephone interview to confirm that our medical practice is appropriate to meet their addiction treatment needs. We encourage patients to include significant partner/family in the initial appointment if you desire. The first appointment includes history and physical examination, urine and blood testing, and a detailed discussion with the physician concerning the medical nature and treatment of the patient's chronic brain disease of drug addiction. During the initial appointment, buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex or Zubsolv) treatment is safely initiated through the recommended induction process that takes two to three hours. At the one week office follow-up, the patient's condition is re-evaluated to confirm addiction stabilization. Follow up appointments are arranged monthly thereafter.

Security of private, personal healthcare information is paramount in our practice. For patient privacy reasons, our practice does not file for third party payment to private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. Payment for physician services is expected by the patient at the appointment. For patients who wish to file for financial reimbursement from their private insurance company, we provide requested documentation.